providing activities for young people and their families since 2003
Charity for children and young adults with an ASD in Leicestershire and Rutland
Signed in as:
Charity for children and young adults with an ASD in Leicestershire and Rutland
We are a small charity with a big heart.
There are six volunteers on our committee.
Each of us playing a vital role.
Chair person
Vice Chair
Several events organisers
Web tech.
My maths aren't wrong, some of us have more than one job to do!
We initially met as parents when our children attended the same autism unit back in 2001.
There was at that time, no soft play or sensory room at the unit. So we decided to raise funds ourselves. After much hard work we had enough money to furnish two rooms with state of the art equipment.
Realising we worked well together, we decided to continue our efforts and set up as a charity.
Many parents with children and young adults on the spectrum have experienced the despair of paying out a sum of money to access for example, a circus, theme park or bowling alley, only to have to leave after five minutes because it's not suitable for their child with an ASD.. Miracles to believe in, want to give people the confidence and opportunity to try new activities and join in events. with other similar families, without incurring any loss themselves.
Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Most of our events are free to the person who has ASD their siblings and parents or carers. (Adult ASD service users are welcome to bring along a friend)
Very occasionally we may ask for parents/carers to contribute towards their involvement. in 2023 we paid for approximately 2500 service users on nearly 50 events and only on one of those was a voluntary contribution of £7 requested from parents who wished to join in with the activity.
We provide outings and events for children and young adults on the autistic spectrum up to the age of 35. You don't need to have gone through diagnosis we are open to those on the pathway too.
Use the email facility to get in touch. Tell us about your fundraising event and how we can help and we will put you in touch with our treasurer.
You can get in touch with us via email and explain your funding request. We will email you back to let you know if it’s something that is within our remit.
If it is, then we will forward you a form which will be looked at by the committee during our next scheduled meeting after which you will be informed about the outcome.
Email via the link or ask to join our Facebook group...miracles to believe in .
where you can find out about what's happening, where and when. Please read the rules at the top of the Facebook page about how to apply for our free events. (Also make sure you have your notifications turned on! events book up quickly) If you don't have access to Facebook you can also hear about what we do via the Leicester Autistic Society magazine.